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J. Walter Thompson Advertising, 1974

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Great Britain Television Advertising

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Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view from behind a bar of a barmaid working as four men approach. After some verbal back and forth, one of the men orders four bottles of cold Guinness. The barmaid reponds that they've sold out, much to the men's disappointment, before producing a portable cooler containing four bottles of Guinness on ice. Advert concludes on freeze frame of one of the men holding a cold bottle to his face saying: "It's nice iced". Caption reads: "Try it cold when it's hot". Agency: JWT. Director: Cliff Owen. Production Company: Sierra Productions. Producer: Keith Godman. Cast: Roy Holder, Anton Derby, Guy Lutman, Christopher Brown, Lesley Ward (barmaid).


Colour television commercial entitled 'Fireworks'. The advertisement consists of footage of a fireworks display alternating with footage of a bottle being opened and poured into a glass, to the sound of jazz rock music. The advert concludes with a close-up of the Guinness logo on the filled glass. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of a young blonde woman dozing outdoors on a garden chair on a summer's day. VO: "Whenever you open a bottle of Guinness it goes [noise of bottle opening] and whenever you pour out a bottle of Guinness it goes [sound of Guinness being poured into glass] which tells you that it's perfectly mature, perfectly alive." Woman slowly wakes up as she hears noise of Guinness being opened and poured before she reaches out to take a Wellington goblet from an invisible hand and smiles. VO concludes: "... and ready to drink". Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins Production Company: Film Troupe. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Michael Maguire, Chekkie Maskell.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view from behind bar of barman passing a branded Victoria goblet containing cold Guinness to a customer. Close up on visibly sweaty and disheveled customer as he drinks it down in one go, stopping occasionally to pronounce it as "good, so good". Customer finishes the glass and addresses barman: "I can't tell you, that was really, really...", to which barman replies, "...good?". Advert concludes as customer shakes his head and says "Oh no, much better than that". End caption: "Cold Guinness... it's not bad". Talent: Robert Lindsay, Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of sunrise over Guinness Bodiam Hop Farm. Close ups of hop cones as rays of sunlight shines through canopy of vines. Cut to tractor carrying a load of hops past farmhouse and dissolve to views of hops being harvested. Dissolve to shot of canvas hop sack bearing the words 'Guinness Bodiam Sussex' being handled by two men with hooks. VO describes role of hops in Guinness brewing process, concluding with: "So if anyone ever asks you how Guinness is made, you know what to tell them". Advert concludes with scene featuring a young couple in bar. The man says: "Of course you'll never guess how it's made", to which the woman responds: "Don't tell me, it grows on trees", as the man's face drops. Agency: JWT. Director: Nicholas Roeg & Geoff Forster. Production Company: James Garrett and Partners. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Michael Maguire, Leueen Willoughby, Stephen Boyd, Simon Gilbert.


Colour television commercial for cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of a man miming the various stages of ordering a Guinness as a VO narrates his actions - asking the viewer to 'imagine' what is being described - and sound effects accompany his movements. He mimes entering a bar, ordering a bottle of Guinness, pouring the bottle into a glass, and taking a drink. Advert concludes as man licks his lips in satisfaction before placing the 'glass' back on the bar as VO says: "Cold Guinness - doesn't that look good?". Commended at Venice Film Festival 1975. Agency: JWT. Director: John Perkins. Production Company: Streich Perkins. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Mike Maguire, Julian Shagrine.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens as man enters pub and spots two friends sitting at a table drinking pints of Draught Guinness from Waterford tankards. He exclaims "Well!" on seeing them, and joins them. All three proceed to say well at various points in the conversation as the night progresses. Advert concludes as pint of Draught Guinness is pushed across a bar in front of the camera, caption beneath reading: "Well?". Commended at Venice Film Festival 1975. Agency: JWT. Director: Ross Cramer Production Company: BFCS. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Terence Edmunds, Ray Lonnon, David Leland.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with close up views of Draught Guinness being poured into a Waterford tankard. Close up shots of man - Mike - drinking pint as VO says: "If you only have to look at it to know what it is, if you only have to smell the roasted barley, and taste the cool dark part through the smooth white part to know what it is, then why do we bother to put our name on the glass?". Advert concludes as man asks "What's yours Mike?", as Mike looks over the top of his Guinness branded glass without saying a word. Agency: JWT. Director: John Perkins. Production Company: Streich Perkins. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Michael Maguire, John Gleeson, Philip York.


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