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Irish Life The Most Natural Thing in the World

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Ireland Television Advertising

View Gallery


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of four branded Waterford tankards being placed on a branded Guinness tray. Continues with views of male and females in a lounge enjoying music provided by a four piece band while drinking Draught Guinness. Advert concludes as an empty Guinness tankard is replaced with a full one. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with on screen caption: "Get together with a Guinness" over view of a men gathered around a fireplace in a bar. One of the men proceeds to tell a long-winded story about a singing canary and a ventriloquist mouse. All three men laugh. Advert concludes with view of four glasses of Guinness on a tray alongside on screen caption reading "Guinness". Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with shots of an agricultural show featuring heavy machinery such as combine harvester, grain mill, and tractor. Men are seen drinking Guinness Extra Stout and Guinness Draught in a bar after the day's work at the show is done. Advert concludes with view of barman pouring a bottle of Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet for one of two men, the other drinking Draught Guinness from a Waterford tankard. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with on screen caption: "Get together with a Guinness" over view of a barman handing glasses of Guinness to a customer. Cut to view of three men standing at a bar holding glasses of Guinness. One of the men addresses his friend, Vincent, prompting him to tell the third man, Frank, a story about Paddy O'Neill and an elephant. Vincent proceeds to tell a long-winded joke about elephants and the men gathered around him laugh. Advert concludes with view of four glasses of Guinness on a tray alongside on screen caption reading "Guinness". Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with close up view of barman pulling a pint of Draught Guinness from a square countermount into a branded Waterford tankard and placing it on the counter. Close up shots of men (and one woman) laughing, smiling, and talking as they enjoy Draught and bottled Guinness in a social environment. Advert concludes with close up of show card and VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of start line at a 'waiters race' as barmen in white coats pour a bottle of Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet [the objective is to complete the race while holding the bottle and glass on a tray without dropping or spilling either]. Views also of tug of war and a man holding a large fish. Advert concludes with views of day's competitors and onlookers gathered around an outdoor fire talking, singing, and playing music, while drinking Guinness Extra Stout from Victoria goblets. Voiceover: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions. Talent: Frank(Francis) Scallan


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men at a bar counter as they await the arrival of a friend. The friend arrives bearing a deflated football and his friends start inflating it with a hand pump as the barman pours a pint of Draught Guinness into a branded Waterford tankard. Man drinks and advert concludes with view of two tankards and one Victoria goblet on the marble bar in front of a square Draught Guinness font. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." [Same as GDB/MK08.01/0003.23 but does not include two part pour sequence] Talent: Harry Towb, Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions, Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men at a bar counter as they await the arrival of a friend. The friend arrives bearing a deflated football and his friends start inflating it with a hand pump as the barman pours a pint of Draught Guinness into a branded Waterford tankard. Man drinks and advert concludes with view of two tankards and one Victoria goblet on the marble bar in front of a square Draught Guinness font. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Same as GDB/MK08.01/0003.03 but includes two part pour sequence Talent: Harry Towb, Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions, Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with on screen caption: "Get together with a Guinness" over view of a barman handing glasses of Guinness to a customer. The customer sits down at a table with two other men and addresses his friend, Vincent, to ask where Charlie is. Vincent proceeds to tell a long-winded joke about injuries sustained by Charlie following a football match. All three men laugh. Advert concludes with view of four glasses of Guinness on a tray alongside on screen caption reading "Guinness". Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Views of various golfers taking shots on the fairway and greens interspersed with views from clubhouse interior and exterior balcony of men enjoying Draught Guinness in branded Waterford tankards. Advert concludes with view of partially empty Guinness tankards standing on tankard beermats alongside completed scorecards. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view barman passing a freshly poured pint of Draught Guinness in a branded Waterford tankard from a square Draught Guinness fount. Camera pans left along a busy bar, revealing several barmen at work and snippets of conversation among punters as they enjoy their bottled and Draught Guinness. Advert concludes as man at the end of the bar finishes the last of his pint before placing it back on the counter. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with various shots of a marching band and floats by Guinness and CIE at a St Patrick's Day Parade, as well as views of crowds and onlookers. Men are seen drinking Guinness Extra Stout and Guinness Draught in a bar as a musician plays a guitar and sings songs. Advert concludes with close up view of man in a peaked cap drinking from a branded Waterford tankard of Draught Guinness. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of busy party as men lean over the stairway landing to see who is at the door. The host opens the door and escorts the guest upstairs. He enters the living room bearing two six pack bottles of Guinness Extra Stout in cardboard outers and is eagerly greeted by other guests. Advert concludes as empty bottle is placed back into the cardboard outer alongside an empty Victoria goblet on the table. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. First television commercial for Take Home Trade in Ireland.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of women setting up a picnic table at a racecourse as camera zooms in on a take-home six pack of Guinness Extra Stout in a cardboard outer reading 'No Deposit, No Return'. Views of take home pack being opened and poured and of small bar selling bottled Guinness interspersed with scenes from the race meeting. Advert concludes as barman pours a Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet and a punter is seen tearing up his betting slip in resignation as he takes a drink. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world."


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens as man walks into a traditional grocery style bar, greeting the lady behind grocery before making his way to the bar in the back room. He greets several other men who are engaged in a game of ring toss, or hoopla. The man watches as the barman pours a bottle of Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet and he drinks deeply before joining the others to play ring toss. Advert concludes with close up on empty Guinness Extra Stout on bar counter. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. [Almost negligible differences between Belfast version GDB/MK08.01/0003.02 - slightly longer pouring shot, different barman dialogue]


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens as man walks into a traditional grocery style bar, greeting the lady behind grocery before making his way to the bar in the back room. He greets several other men who are engaged in a game of ring toss, or hoopla. The man watches as the barman pours a bottle of Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet and he drinks deeply before joining the others to play ring toss. Advert concludes with close up on empty Guinness Extra Stout on bar counter. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. [Almost negligible differences between Belfast version GDB/MK08.01/0003.02 - slightly longer pouring shot, different barman dialogue]


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man approaching a bar counter as a barman is about to serve two pints of Draught Guinness in Waterford tankards. Camera slowly zooms out to reveal a busy lounge full of male drinkers as several barman tend the round bar. Sounds of chatter and glasses clinking accompanied by piano music. Advert concludes as camera zooms back in a man on the far side of the bar drinking deeply from a pint of Draught Guinness in a Waterford tankard. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Shots of the Royal Dublin Show including horses and livestock, show jumping, and a bandstand, interspersed with views of busy bar and shots of men drinking Guinness from branded Victoria goblets. Advert concludes as with shot of man placing empty Victoria goblet back on the bar counter. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of busy bar interior as a man returns three empty Waterford tankards to the bar and requests three more. Cut to close up view of pints being poured by barman before he hands them out to the man and his friends. VO with mild Belfast accent: "Everywhere people are saying 'same again' to the best pint of Draught in the province. Guinness Extra Stout on Draught. Everywhere people are finding the sign which tells them they can enjoy the smooth, good, creamy pint of double, served the wonderful new way - fast. Concludes with close up of Guinness square box countermount. VO: "Guinness Extra Stout on Draught, a drink and a half." Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with shots of white and red Guinness countermount bearing a Waterford Tankard badge, a 'Guinness For You' showcard, a Draught Guinness badge, and a harp device badge, before cutting to 'Draught Guinness' title card. Continues in tiled screen format showing successive views of a pint being poured from the Draught countermount into a branded Waterford Tankard. Views from various angles of a man in a check shirt drinking deeply from the full tankard. Advert concludes with view of tankard, showcard, and badge, alongside VO: "Draught Guinness For You." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens as a man at the bar finishes his pint of Draught Guinness from a branded Waterford tankard and beckons the barman to bring him a six pack of take-home Guinness Extra Stout bottles in a cardboard outer reading "No Deposit. No Return". He is seen travelling home on the bus. Cut to view of young man and woman finishing their Draught Guinness in an outdoor area of 'The Village Inn' before taking a six pack of take home Guinness and departing. Advert concludes as they are seen approaching and entering the door of their house. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with shots of a grounded airplane and engineers in white coats, followed by shots of technical operators in a factory production line and a roll of carpet being moved by forklift and interspersed with views of men drinking Draught Guinness at a bar. Advert concludes with shot of barman handing a pint of Draught Guinness in a Waterford tankard over to a group of men at the bar. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man and woman approaching a bar counter. They sit down and discuss what they'll have to drink - him a pint and her a half-pint. The barman pours their drinks into branded Waterford tankards from a small, square Guinness fount featuring the Guinness word and harp emblem as the couple discuss their plans for the next day. Close up view of pouring shots showing forwards and backwards push of tap before barman places both glasses on the counter. Couple shown enjoying their drinks and advert concludes with close up of Guinness countermount. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions. [Note use of one part pour vs two part pour employed in GDB/MK08.01/0003.01 i.e. same commercial for different markets]


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man and woman approaching a bar counter. They sit down and discuss what they'll have to drink - him a pint and her a half-pint. The barman pours their drinks into branded Waterford tankards from a small, square Guinness fount featuring the Guinness word and harp emblem as the couple discuss their plans for the next day. He places them on the counter briefly to settle before concluding the two part pour. Couple shown enjoying their drinks and advert concludes with close up of Guinness countermount. Voiceover: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." [Note use of two part pour vs one part pour employed in GDB/MK08.01/0003.04 i.e. same commercial for different markets] Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions. Dated 1965-10-21


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Guinness Storehouse Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 209698 and its registered office at St James's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland. Phone +3531 408 4800. COPYRIGHT © 2024 Guinness Storehouse.