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Personnel ledgers

Object Type: Folder


Ledger containing personal record sheets for Belfast Company Staff. Includes page per staff member detailing name, date of birth, date appointed, department(s) worked, position(s) held, salary, and date of retirement/ transfer/ resignation where known.


Indexed ledger relating to brewers in Dublin Company, Park Royal Company and other Companies within the Group as well as retired or deceased brewers. Includes page per brewer, detailing name, date of birth, date appointed, department(s) worked, position(s) held, salary, and date of retirement/ transfer/ resignation where known. Includes career details of Dublin brewers: John Falcon Brown, JPC Anderson, Henry Stanley Corran, John Michael Duckworth Hughes, Jonathan Joseph des Carrieres Virden, Anthony Vincent, Robert Henry Lister Richards, Frederick Edward James, Hermann Muender, John Anthony Carey, Michael John Atherton, Seward Harold Hildebrand, and George Michael Irons. Includes details of Park Royal brewers: Michael Edward Ash, Brian Moffat Barid, Peter Thomas John Banner, Thomas Cyril Nicholas Carroll, Francis Paul Clift, Alan John Coxon, Stanley Edward Darmon, Samuel Raymond Duff, David Richie Fairbairn, Ian Reginald Gordon, The Hon Diarmuid Edward Guinness, Reginald David Hall, Michael Roland Hatfield, TG Jennings, Ralph Trevor Kerslake, John Metcalfe Kitching, Robert Ian Menzies-Gow, Edwin Stanley Palmer, Keith Warren Pickering, David James Restrick, Frank Oliver Robson, Nigel Edward Salmon, David Sandys-Renton, Ian Wallace Scott, John David Cameron Smiley, Timothy James Burnley Webb, Simon Whotmore, John Leonard Wilkinson, and Joseph Hennessy. Includes details of retired or deceased brewers: J Andrews, AHC Barker, C Buttanshaw, John Harold Chapman, Christopher John Chataway, JWF Crawfurd, Charles Edward Dagliesh, Anthony Frederick Napleton Dew, William Sealy Gosset, Joseph Hennessy, MS Heycock, Laurence Ernest Hudson, Andrew G Hughes-Onslow, Eric Leslie Kidd, Bryan Edgar Magee, Arthur Kelman Mills, Alan McMullen, John Greves Paton, Hamilton Paul, Edward Loftus Phillips, Peter Frank Christopher Phillips, Geoffrey S Phillpotts, Lancelot Richard Shildrick, Martin Gregory Smith, GFE Story, Douglas Frederick Strachan, WJ Stringer, David Ralph Tristram, JW Tullo, JI Web, and RS Wix.


Book. Includes handwritten accounts of people employed by Arthur Guinness Son & Co Ltd, who they were, who had recommended their employment, what position they were given and their pay. Also includes employees that were transferred from one department to another and those receiving salary raises. Index includes list of clerks: R Allen, F Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Carnegie, Corry, Cresdie, Cullinan, [?Coare], Bass, Baker, Beasley, Boileau, Bolster, Browne, Buchanan, Davin, Deane, Dempsey, [?Doheny], Drake, DuBevat, Dobbs, Ellis, Eyze, Eustace, Faulkner, Fluve, Graham, Greene, Harrison, Haudcock, Hanks, Hayes, Harricks, Hill, Holbrook, Hopkins, Hume, Harding, Keating, King, Leared, Lee, Love, Lindsay, Maunsell, Marsh, Meredith, McDonnell, Montgomery, Murray, McCaughey, Morton, Nadin, North, O'Donovan, Peacock, Parr, Perrin, Peyton, Phillips, Pollock, Porter, Smith, Scott, Sinclair, Shaw, Smallman, [?Sivauson], and Snow. Also includes note regarding the Lease from Paul Espinasse to Mark Rainsford for the St James's Gate Brewery.


Ledger. Records information on weekly salaries paid to clerks and money lent to clerks. The front of the ledger records the year each clerk began working in the Brewery.,


Ledger containing index to individual files and correspondence files held by the Registry Department. File numbers recorded in column on left while subject of file recorded in column on right. Alphabetical index by subject at front of ledger.


Records information on members of staff absent due to military or naval service during the First World War and Second World War. Information recorded includes name; rank; regiment; addresses, date rejoined Brewery; date killed in action or died of wounds; and other remarks.


Ledger from Director's Office. Indexed ledger, half page per staff member, detailing name, date of birth, date appointed, salary and salary increases, department(s) worked, position(s) held, and date of retirement/ transfer/ resignation.


Indexed ledger relating to No 1 Staff. Includes half page per staff member, detailing name, date of birth, date appointed, department(s) worked, position(s) held, salary, and date of retirement/ transfer/ resignation.


Bound ledger. Records information on individual messengers. Information recorded usually includes date birth certificate produced; date employed; date of wage increases; date of transfer; and date left.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on individual pensioners. Each entry records pension case number; registration number; name; address; department; occupation; date of birth; date of employment; wages and allowances; length of service; marital status; particulars of family; character; cause of transfer to Pension List; pension; date transferred to Pension List; date off Pension List; and remarks.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on individual pensioners. Each entry records pension case number; registration number; name; address; department; occupation; date of birth; date of employment; wages and allowances; length of service; marital status; particulars of family; character; cause of transfer to Pension List; pension; date transferred to Pension List; date off Pension List; and remarks.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on individual pensioners. Each entry records pension case number; registration number; name; address; department; occupation; date of birth; date of employment; wages and allowances; length of service; marital status; particulars of family; character; cause of transfer to Pension List; pension; date transferred to Pension List; date off Pension List; and remarks.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on individual pensioners. Each entry records pension case number; name; address; department; occupation; date of birth; date of employment; wages and allowances; length of service; marital status; particulars of family; character; cause of transfer to Pension List; pension; date transferred to Pension List; date off Pension List; and remarks.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on individual pensioners. Each entry records pension case number; registration number; name; address; department; occupation; date of birth; date of employment; wages and allowances; length of service; marital status; particulars of family; character; cause of transfer to Pension List; pension; date transferred to Pension List; date off Pension List; and remarks.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on widows and orphans. Each entry records registration number; date of entry; late husband's name; date employed; department; grade; length of service; wages or pension; general character; date of pension if pensioner; date of death; Chief Medical Officer's report; name of widow; address; date of birth; date of marriage; children; widow's rate of pension per week; pension commencement date; remarks; and date off pension list.


Ledger recording information on salaries paid to staff. Entries generally also record job title and date of commencement. Index at front. Handwritten note on inside cover reads 'This ledger examined by EC Guinness [Edward Cecil Guinness] 5 Sept 73 [September 1873]'.


Ledger with alphabetical index at front. Each page lists salary details for a named member of staff. Some additional information recorded for individuals include changes in role; transfers; and dates of death.


Ledger recording data and statements relating to labourers in the Brewhouse Department of the St James's Gate Brewery. Index at front of ledger. Ledger records list of men leave granted to, 1880-1881; quarterly statement of wages; statement of wages for 1878-1881; statement to show total amount of wages and allowances; statistics of late attendance for 1878-1881; statistics on amounts of wages charged to various departments in the Brewhouse; list of men and boys employed in the Brewhouse Department in January 1882 and January 1883; list of men paid compensation in lieu of extra allowances; list of men who applied for wage increases, 1880-1885; list of men fined, 1878-1882; an analysis of overtime in the Brewhouse Department; statement of wages for the Vathouse Department; list of men leave granted to in Brewhouse Department and Vathouse Department, 1882; list of men working in Vathouse Department and Victoria Quay in January 1882; statistics of wages compared with tariff; list of men employed at night in the Brewery; and list of clothes supplied to Brewhouse Department, 1871-1882.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on widows and orphans of Guinness tradesmen and labourers. Each entry records pension case number; name of widow; age; date of marriage; residence; late husband's name; department; date employed; date pensioned; date of death; length of service; general character; wages; names and ages of children; pension per week; and date granted from. Some entries contain a medical officer's report.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on widows and orphans. Each entry records pension case number; date of entry; name of widow; age; date of marriage; residence; late husband's name; department; date employed; date pensioned; date of death; length of service; general character; wages; names and ages of children; weekly pension; signed; and date of signature.


Bound indexed ledger. Contains information on widows and orphans. Each entry records pension case number; date of entry; name of widow; age; date of marriage; residence; late husband's name; department; date employed; date pensioned; date of death; length of service; general character; wages; names and ages of children; and weekly pension. Most entries include additional information on widow's circumstances, children and allowances granted.


Contains details of the quantity of available men and their hours employed in the cooperage yard. Time is recorded hourly from 6am to midnight and includes work in the Town Yard, Railway Bank and Numbertaking. Other activities recorded in the cooperage include loading casks on wagons, receiving and unloading, supplying sawyers and coopers, S/E and Broken Yard, Branding Room (time keepers, tap and messengers), rolling, piling and unpiling, bisulphiting, painters, flangers and cleaners, old hoops, pointsmen and warehouse, new timber, hoop stores, headers, waterfilling and testing, collecting corks and making bosses, collecting broken casks, driving machines, cask measuring, meals and dispensary. Also notes staff absent, lent to other departments (cleansing shed) and the total number of men authorised. H: 50cm W: 38cm D: 3cm


Contains employee details concerning the allowance in lieu of porter for each week between the years 1928 and 1929. Information includes employee names, department number, weekly allowance and total wages, bonuses and allowances. H: 44cm W: 34cm 2cm


Contains details of the weekly allowances paid in lieu of porter to labourers, recording their surnames, department number, wages paid and allowance received. H: 44cm W: 33cm D: 2cm.


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Guinness Storehouse Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 209698 and its registered office at St James's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland. Phone +3531 408 4800. COPYRIGHT © 2024 Guinness Storehouse.