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J. Walter Thompson Advertising,1973-1974

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Great Britain Television Advertising

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Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of bar interior as customers focus intently on a band playing off screen. A man is seen standing at a table with his friends, whom he continues to distract by saying 'Do you know what?' before going on to state facts about bottle-conditioned Guinness. The men humour him, until one of them responds: "Do you know what? That's my Guinness you're drinking". Advert concludes with a freeze frame of the man's guilty face as the man's friend realises the bar has now closed. Caption appears: "Did you know?". Agency: JWT. Director: Cliff Owen. Production Company: Sierra Productions. Producer: Keith Godman. Music: P. Winslow. Cast: Trevor Adams, Mike Lewin, Michael Hedley, Peter Gordon, Joe Dunlop.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with two young men entering an empty bar and ordering two bottles of Guinness. The men banter with the barman, Jack, telling him they are meeting 'the girls' there later as Jack pours their bottles into Wellington goblets. Time passes and the bar gets progressively busier before the bar man comes over to them again and observes that they've been stood up. The young men seems distinctly unphased, announcing that they still have half an hour before the girls arrive. They order "the same again", and advert concludes with freeze frame of barman opening another bottle of Guinness for them as caption reads: "at your local this week". Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of man and woman playing darts in pub interior. The man approaches the bar and orders another Guinness for both he and the woman. The barman expresses surprise that both are drinking Guinness and asks the man if were a case of gentle persuasion, to which the woman responds: "Well it didn't happen overnight". He asks the man how he managed it, and the woman answers: "Well I finally got him to try one!". Advert concludes as man looks slightly embarassed before cut to end frame showing Guinness label on a black background with the caption "Try another" beneath. Agency: JWT. Director: Tony Lawson. Production Company: Tony Lawson and Associates. Producer: Roger Holland, Keith Godman. Cast: Michael Howarth, Liza Goddard, Anna Bentink, Ray Brooks (VO).


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men in a bar, one holding a cue. Seeing the other man drinking Guinness, the man holding the cue remarks that it must have taken a bit of getting used to. As the men talk, it emerges that the man drinking also had his first Guinness in the same pub. The man holding the cue remarks that it must have been a while before his friend had his second Guinness. Advert concludes as man drinking responds: "About ten minutes", before nodding to his friend and continuing "Your round". Caption: "The ten minute pint". Agency: JWT. Director: Hugh Raggett. Production Company: Studio Lambert. Producer: Keith Goodman. Cast: Jeremy Bulloch, Barry Andrew.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men in a bar, one holding a cue. Seeing the other man drinking Guinness, the man holding the cue remarks that it must have taken a bit of getting used to. As the men talk, it emerges that the man drinking also had his first Guinness in the same pub, last Thursday. The man holding the cue remarks that it must have been a while before his friend had his second Guinness. Advert concludes as man drinking responds: "About ten minutes", before nodding to his friend and continuing "Your round". Agency: JWT. Director: Hugh Raggett. Production Company: Studio Lambert. Producer: Keith Goodman. Cast: Jeremy Bulloch, Barry Andrew.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of young men and women drinking in a busy club as one woman points to her glass of Guinness, remarking: "That's one of the most fantastic drinks". Woman stands up and bumps into another young man who strikes up a conversation. Their wires get crossed, however, and while he is talking about the club, she is talking about the Guinness, and confusion soon ensues. The young woman finally brings him to the bar and orders two bottles of Guinness from the bar man, before turning to him and asking: "Do you come here often?" Advert concludes with freeze frame of woman's face as caption appears on screen: "Sounds like a good idea". Agency: JWT. Director: Derek Banham. Production Company: The Moving Picture Company. Producer: Keith Godman. Cast: Jeananne Crowley, Kevin Sheehan.


Colour television commercial for cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of two young men entering a bar on a sunny day and odering two bottles of cold Guinness. Barman responds that don't serve cold Guinness. When pressed by one of the men for cold Guinness, the barman reasons that: "You're the nineteenth bloke I've told today, there's no demand". The man looks confused and asks "What?". Advert concludes with freeze frame as barman begins to say "I said", and caption appears on screen: "Cold Guinness - yours for the asking". Talent: Geoffrey Hayes - barman, Production Company: Studio Lambert, Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with first person pov camera shot of barman working behind a busy bar. Voice behind pov shot requests two bottles of Guinness but is told by the barman there are none available. Voice extols the virtues of cold Guinness and asks the barman if he'd consider putting some on the cold shelf. Barman responds: "You're the nineteenth bloke I've told today, there's no demand". Voice asks: "What?". Advert concludes as barman pauses and strokes his chin as if questioning his own logic. Agency: JWT. Production Company: Studio Lambert.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of group seated around a bar table as a man returns with a tray of Draught Guinness in Waterford tankards. A man with glasses reaches for a pint, before he is stopped by one of the women who proceeds to ask him a series of questions about Guinness. The man explains that roasted barley gives it its colour and makes it dry and smooth and that this smoothness makes it go down easy. When the woman asks why the head is white, the man responds: "So you can tell it's the right way up". Advert concludes on a freeze frame as man turns to his neighbour and smiles conspiratorially. Caption reads: "No question about it". Agency: JWT. Director: Dick McNeil. Production Company: McNeil Richmond. Producer: Keith Godman. Cast: Ken Moreley, Clare Sutcliffe.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of pub garden in countryside. Dissolve to group of three young men and one young woman drinking Guinness while seated on picnic chairs. Hearing a lawnmower in the background, one man pronounces: "Rotten, mowing on a day like this... he should be sitting here like us drinking a lovely, long, cool, refreshing pint of Guinness. I feel sorry for him really. Funny chap, red Indian you know." The other two men stand up in astonishment to get a glimpse of the man mowing his lawn only to see that it is in fact a lawnmower tethered to a post unattended, mowing concentric circles of glass as it wraps around the post. The men turn to their friend who raises his hand in greeting while saying 'How'. Advert concludes as the group laugh. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man returning to his friends in a bar carrying a pint of Guinness in a Waterford tankard. The man is asked by an offscreen interviewer if he drinks Guinness on special occassions, to which the man responds that his wife just had a baby. Interviewer asks the man what he likes about Guinness, before going on to ask what he was going to call it (i.e. the baby). The man - assuming the question referred to the drink rather than the baby - responds "Guinness, what else do you call it!" Advert concludes with freeze frame of man looking incredulously at the camera as caption reads: "It's a Guinness". Agency: JWT. Director: Hugh Raggett. Production Company: Studio Lambert. Producer: Keith Goodman. Cast: Jeremy Bulloch, John Yule, Walter McMonagle, Tim Wylton, Leo Dolan.


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Guinness Storehouse Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 209698 and its registered office at St James's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland. Phone +3531 408 4800. COPYRIGHT © 2024 Guinness Storehouse.