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Talking Toucan

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Great Britain Television Advertising

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Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. A toucan sitting on a perch in a window narrates the actions of a woman getting off of a bus and returning to her front door with bags of shopping. Her husband listens as he pours a Guinness to hand to his wife who he expects to come through the front door at any moment. When she does not appear the toucan laughs and exclaims: "April Fool". Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins. Production Company: Film Troupe.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout . Advert opens as man and woman enter a sitting room having put the children to bed for the night. They sit down on the couch to enjoy a relaxing glass of Guinness Extra Stout and are just about to take a drink before they hear a cry from the other side of the room. They look at each other, deciding whose turn it is, before the man reaches for a Bumper Book of Bedtime Stories and crosses the room. Cut to view of toucan peeking out from behind a curtain in expectation. Advert concludes on freeze frame of man and toucan as the man reads from the book of bedtime stories. Agency: JWT


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a toucan seated on a perch, imitating the gulping sounds of a bottle of Guinness being poured into a Victoria goblet by a man nearby. The toucan then imitates the sound of the man swallowing as he drinks from the glass of Guinness. The man exhales with satisfaction and the toucan responds by burping from his perch. Advert concludes as man looks at the toucan in disgust and the toucan looks away while humming innocently. No final caption or VO. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout . Advert opens as camera pans upwards over the front of a glass of Guinness. VO: "Will the next pint you order be as good as Guinness? Will it have a smooth, deep, black body? Will it have a cool, creamy white head?" Dissolve to view of camera panning upwards over black and white body of toucan as VO continues: "And will it be able in front of your very eyes to produce its head out of its body?" Advert concludes with view of toucans head as VO says: "Next time you order a pint, ask for a GUinness and say a little birdy sent you". Caption reads: "There's nothing as good as Guinness". Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with close up shot of a man pouring a bottle of Guinness into a Wellington goblet. A telephone rings in the background which he ignores in favour of finishing his pour and taking a sip. The man finally answers the phone, and advert concludes as he hands the receiver in the direction of the toucan saying: "It's Busby". Agency: JWT. Director: Len Fulford. Production Company: BFCS. Producer: Roger Smith. Camera Operator: Moslyn Rowlands. Cast: David Rodigan.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout . Advert opens with view of a 'drinking bird' toy [also known as a 'dipper'] attached to the side of a glass of beer. Continues with views of other 'dippers' attached to glasses of beers as the talking toucan VO encourages them all individually to keep drinking. VO: "Will the next pint you order be as good as everyone else's?". Advert concludes with view of toucan surveying the scene of 'dippers' in front of him, exclaiming "Dear oh dear oh dear". Final VO: "... or will it be as good as Guinness?". Final shot of toucan laughing. Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Two friends stand in a living room drinking Guinness from Wellington goblets. One of the men shows his friend that the toucan can talk by asking him a series of questions to which the toucan correctly responds "Guinness". The frist man leaves the room and his friends decides to test the toucan by asking him who won the FA Cup in 1958. He smirks as he takes a drink, before advert concludes with toucan answering: "Bolton Wanderers". Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins. Production Company: Film Troupe. Producer: Roger Smith. Lighting: Howard Atherton. Camera Operator: Howard Atherton. Cast: Anthony Milner, Bill Nighy


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a man drinking a pint of lager as his hand involuntarily starts 'talking' and the voice of the toucan is heard admonishing him for not drinking Guinness. The hands of several other non-Guinness drinking patrons in the bar also start 'talking' involuntarily, extolling the virtues of Guinness to their owners. The men are visibly shocked and exasperated. Cut to table of four men drinking Guinness with a toucan seated atop a perch alongside them. One of the men turns to the toucan and asks "Nothing to do with you, I suppose?". Advert concludes as toucan looks away shiftily and starts humming. Final VO: "Will the next pint you get your hands on be as good as Guinness?". Caption: "Will it be as good as Guinness?". Agency: JWT.


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a barmaid asking a man at the bar what his order his. A toucan sitting atop a perch alongside him answers 'Pint of Guinness' on his behalf, explaining that the man has lost his voice. The toucan proceeds to tell all of the man's friends how good the pint of Guinness is, before going on to offer to buy several people in the pub a pint of Guinness on the man's behalf. Final VO: "Will the next pint you order be as good as Guinness?". Caption: "Will it be as good as Guinness?". Agency: JWT.


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a man in a bar about to sink a pint of lager as a toucan sits atop a perch alongside him. The toucan remarks "down the hatch", to which the man responds 'it won't even touch the sides of my throat'. The toucan challenges him to imagine instead that the pint of lager is a pint of Guinness. Toucan: "Imagine the head slowly forming, up through the body... Sip the smooth, dark body through the creamy white head." The man finishes the pint of lager and the toucan asks how his Guinness was, to which the man responds: 'Magic'. Final caption and VO: "Can you imagine a pint as good as Guinness?". Agency: JWT.


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a man lifting a Waterford tankard of Draught Guinness to his lips as a toucan takes off from a branch. Views of toucan in flight as the man drinks from his glass of Draught Guinness. The toucan lands on a perch beside him as the man finishes drinking. Advert concludes as the man exhales with satisfaction and remarks "Magnficient", to which the toucan responds "Was I?". Final caption and VO: "Are you ready for a pint as good as Guinness?". Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans to celebrate the 1982 new year. Advert opens with view of illuminated clockface striking the hour of midnight as camera pans out to reveal it is a model of Big Ben in the Houses of Parliament in London. VO: "Guinness would like to wish everyone all the very best in...". Advert concludes as an automated toucan emerges from a small trap door to finish the VO's sentence: "... toucan." Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Advert opens with view of toucan on a perch in a living room. Two men, one of whom appears to be a vet of some description, discuss the toucan's welfare in the sitting room while holding glasses of Guinness. The vet tests the toucan's responses by asking him to repeat several words, after which he pronounces the toucan to be just fine. The man leaves the room to tell his wife and the vet thanks the toucan, and advert concludes with the implication that the toucan faked an illness so that the vet could avail of a free glass of Guinness during his visit. Agency: JWT. Director: Len Fulford. Production Company: BFCS. Producer: Roger Smith. Cast: Anton Rodgers, David Rodigan, Geoffrey Davies.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Advert opens with view of toucan on a perch in a living room. VO of toucan proceeds to predict the exchange that takes place between a wife and her husband who has just returned from work. The wife's voice comes from offscreen as her husband is showed pouring a can of Guinness into a Wellington goblet. Husband startles toucan by straying from the usual course of conversation when he suggests that dinner is roast toucan. Advert concludes as toucan does a double take and flys out of frame in shock. Agency: JWT. Director: Len Fulford. Production Company: BFCS. Producer: Roger Smith. Cast: Anton Rodgers, David Rodigan, Denise Briar.


Colour animated storyboard television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a man in a bar relaying a story about a giraffe to a toucan on a perch beside him. A barman brings him a pint of Draught Guinness in a Waterford tankard and the man pauses his story to take a drink. Time stands still for him as he drinks while the hustle and bustle of the bar carries on as normal. He finishes his pint and turns to the toucan to ask where he was and the toucan prompts him with 'Giraffes?'. Final caption and VO: "Will you have time tonight for a pint as good as Guinness?". Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Advert opens with view of living room with toucan sitting on a perch. Wife enters the room and addresses her husband as he is seen to be enjoying a glass of Guinness poured from a can. The wife continues to ask him if he has completed various chores of if he has had his friends around instead, to which the man responds "Of course not". Advert concludes as toucan proceeds to list out the names of those friends who he had visited, thus giving the game away to the man's wife. Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins. Production Company: Film Troupe. Producer: Roger Smith. Cast: Anthony Milner, Trisha Walsh.


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