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You're at Home with a Guinness

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Ireland Television Advertising

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Colour television advertisement for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens as a man walks into a bar in a foreign country. He approaches the bar and 'ums' and 'ahs' as he searches for what he is looking for, struggling to find the words to ask. Suddenly he spots a bottle of Guinness and exclaims "Ah -ha", to which the barman responds "Aaah" in understanding. Advert concludes as man takes a drink from his Guinness and sighs "Aaah" in satisfaction. Advert concludes with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Talent: Paul Raynor, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness in which two off-screen characters compete in an arm wrestle. The winner celebrates with a pint of Guinness. Advert opens with a Romanesque window; two hands appear in close up from either side of screen, as a voiceover begins ‘If you’ve been looking for a drink with a bit of a bite…’ The hands are clasped in an arm-wrestle in close up as the voiceover continues. One of the competitors begins to win, pushing his opponent’s hand towards camera and to the table top, on which a full tankard of Guinness waits. Having won, the hand quickly takes the drink by the handle in close-up. Caption: ‘Guinness – It’s great value’; voiceover: ‘Great value of an evening. Guinness – it’s got what it takes.’ Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness in which two off-screen characters compete in an arm wrestle. The winner celebrates with a pint of Guinness. Advert opens with a Romanesque window; two hands appear in close up from either side of screen, as a voiceover begins ‘If you’ve been looking for a drink with a bit of a bite…’ The hands are clasped in an arm-wrestle in close up as the voiceover continues. One of the competitors begins to win, pushing his opponent’s hand towards camera and to the table top, on which a full tankard of Guinness waits. Having won, the hand quickly takes the drink by the handle in close-up. Caption: ‘You're at home with a Guinness’; voiceover ‘Great value of an evening.’ Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of O'Connell Street in Dublin as two men are seen wandering the streets, looking slightly disorientated, as voiceover in country accent explains that they're more used to the country. The men suddenly spot a hanging sign for Draught Guinness featuring a Waterford tankard on a red background outside a pub and point. VO: "Wherever you go, you're at home with a Guinness." Cut to view of two men sitting inside the pub drinking pints of Draught Guinness as one says to the other: "Even city life has its compensations" Advert concludes on freeze frame of men laughing with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Filmed on 9 June 1977. Director: John Devis, Camera: Sean Corcoran, Production company: Ocean Films, Agency: ARKS Ltd


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men crossing a field. They continue to make their way through the countryside, looking uncomfortable and lost, as VO in thick Dublin accent explains that they're used to the city. The men suddenly spot a hanging sign for Draught Guinness featuring a Waterford tankard on a red background outside a country pub and smile. Voiceover: "Wherever you go, you're at home with a Guinness." Cut to view of two men standing outside the pub drinking pints of Draught Guinness as one says to the other: "The country's not such a bad place after all." Advert concludes on freeze frame of men laughing with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Filmed on 9 June 1977. Director: John Devis, Camera: Sean Corcoran, Production company: Ocean Films, Agency: ARKS Ltd Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with aerial view of a remote island. Aerial view circles around a remote thatched and whitewashed building to reveal a couple of bicycles parked outside and two Guinness signs affixed to the outer wall. Soundscape of ocean noise and seagulls cawing. Dissolve to views of pub interior as men sit in slightly strained silence to the sound of a clock ticking. View of three man currach bearing a keg of Guinness interspersed with views of time passing on grandfather clock. The clock strikes half past six and a man enters the pub proclaiming: "Ta siad ag teacht [They're coming]". The pub's occupants spring into action and several rush outside to help unload the currach's precious cargo. Cut to close up view of pint of Draught Guinness being poured into a Waterford tankard. The usual chatter of the pub starts up again as the men get their pints. The barman realises the keg is empty after a while, and beckons "Arís [again]" to one of the men. Dissolve to view of three men trudging over the sand towards the water holding the currach overhead as they set out to fetch another keg. Advert concludes as screen fades to black. Caption: "Bíonn tú sona sásta le Guinness". Filmed: 1977-06-17, pub interior set at Ardmore Studios, Director: John Devis, Camera: Bestick Williams, Writer: Frank Sheerin, Ex. Producer: Tony O'Leary, Art Direction: Eamonn O'Flaherty, Agency: Arks Ltd. Winner of a Clio award in New York for Arks Advertising in 1978 (Clio award is currently held in the Irish Film Institute's artefacts collection), a Silver Cannes Lion and further awards from the Advertising Awards Festival, ICAD and Rank Screen Awards.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. The advertisement opens with an aerial shot of a sea-side thatched cottage pub with bicycles outside. Inside the pub, men wait in silent anticipation, while a group of men row a small boat across the sea. Finally, a man enters the pub and announces: ‘Tá siad ag teacht!’ The customers rush to meet the boat and carry a metal keg back to the pub, where tankards of Guinness are poured from the tap and given to the men, who drink. Eventually draining the keg, the bartender sends the rowers back to fetch another keg. Three men carry a boat upside down over their heads to the seashore, fading to black. Caption: ‘Bíonn tú sona sásta le Guinness’. A voiceover adds: ‘Guinness - ganz Irland in einen beer’ [approximate transcription]. Filmed 1977-06-17, pub interior set at Ardmore Studios, Director: John Devis, Camera: Bestick Williams, Writer: Frank Sheerin, Ex. Producer: Tony O'Leary, Art Direction: Eamonn O'Flaherty, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man entering a crowded bar and approaching the barman to ask for directions, in stilted English, to Ailesbury Road. The other patrons proceed to give directions to the man, but confuse him by adding "right?" to the end of every sentence. Cut to close up view of pint being poured into a Waterford tankard two men sitting inside the pub drinking pints of Draught Guinness as one says to the other: "Even city life has its compensations" Advert concludes on freeze frame of men laughing with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Filmed: 1977-02-22, Director: John Devis, Camera: Sean Corcoran, Agency: Arks Ltd.


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Guinness Storehouse Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 209698 and its registered office at St James's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland. Phone +3531 408 4800. COPYRIGHT © 2024 Guinness Storehouse.