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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Television Advertisements

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Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens on black screen before the GUINNESS word slowly comes into view and camera zooms out to reveal the view as on a pint of Draught Guinness in a Waterford tankard. Sustained focus on tankard as advert concludes with voiceover: "This thirty seconds of darkness was brought to you by Guinness". Music is Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor Filmed: 1974-10-29, Director: Tony O'Leary, Cameraman: Tony Higgins, Writer: Michael Powell, Editor: James Morris, Dubbing: Ardmore Studios, Production company: Scope Films, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Animated black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with a sergeant major admonishing three of his troops for their lacklustre appearance during parade. All three explain they are feeling tired in some way. Sergeant major explains that Guinness gives you strength and they all brighten up at the thought. All four state they they feel like a Guinness, and each of them turn into a pint of Guinness accordingly. Advert concludes with shot of dancing pint glasses in tune to 'Guinness Gives You Strenth' song. Includes caption: "Guinness gives you strengft" [sic]. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens as hand sketches out scene on paper of a bricklayer holding a trowel while standing atop a large wall. VO: "Done a good job? Done a job and a half? Well then you need a drink. You need a drink and a half!" Hand sketches out the shape of a Waterloo goblet, dissolving to view of real Waterloo goblet standing on a counter before being picked up and drank by a man. Advert concludes with view of Waterloo goblet with caption and VO: "A drink and a half". Agency: SH Benson Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with view of two men seated at a table in a bar as they pour bottles of Guinness into Victoria goblets. Cut to shots showing man boarding and disembarking a train and a mechanic at work fixing a car. Interspersed throughout with close up pouring shots and various characters giving the 'thumbs up' sign to each other. VO: "It's satisfying to get things right, right things, right answers. To get things going right. If that's what you enjoy, you'll enjoy Guinness. It's always right." Concludes with freeze frame of man drinking over caption and VO: "Guinness The Natural Choice." Agency: Arks Ltd. Filmed in Belfast. [Intended for Northern Irish market.]


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of man in eighteenth century costume dress holding a pewter tankard of Guinness. Man cycles through several outfits representing the passage of time including, briefly, a blue space suit, until he is pictured wearing a contemporary 1970s suit and holding a Waterford tankard of Guinness. Voiceover narrates the process: "Over the years, mens' tastes in fashion have changed quite remarkably... with one exception, Guinness. That dark drink with its rich creamy head has remained consistently popular since the 1700s and today the timeless quality of Guinness remains very much to a man's taste." Advert concludes as man is joined by a friend and the two walk out of shot together, alongside caption: "Guinness - men's tastes haven't changed". Filmed: 1974/09/03, Director: Gerry Poulson; Camera: D Van Lint, Production company: Gerry Poulson Associates, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens as view of man's eyes dissolves to various dreamlike views of long hair and water. Alternative views of male and female interspersed as a coin falls towards the water. Coin hits the water as male and female embrace. Advert concludes as camera zooms in on man's arm as he reaches around the woman, the juxtaposition of his skin and her dark hair coming together to give the impression of a pint of Guinness. Caption: "Draw your own conclusions". Camera effects imitating the 'surge' of Guinness utilised heavily throughout. Agency: ARKS Ltd.


Animated colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with title cards reading: "Joop Geesink's Dollywood Presents 'Feeding Time' - colour by technicolour". A zookeeper feeds fish to the sealions from a bucket. One sealion runs off with the keeper's Guinness balanced on the end of its nose and the keeper chases it through the enclosure, jumping into the pool. When they emerge from the water the sealion is wearing the keeper's hat and the keeper is balancing the Guinness on the end of his nose. The keeper then throws the sealion a sandwich. Advert concludes with close up of sealion barking: "Have a Guinness when you're tired". End title card reads: "Guinness Time". Director: Joop Geesink. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Prodcution Company: Joop Geesink's Filmproduktie Dollywood


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of start line at a 'waiters race' as barmen in white coats pour a bottle of Guinness into a branded Victoria goblet [the objective is to complete the race while holding the bottle and glass on a tray without dropping or spilling either]. Views also of tug of war and a man holding a large fish. Advert concludes with views of day's competitors and onlookers gathered around an outdoor fire talking, singing, and playing music, while drinking Guinness Extra Stout from Victoria goblets. Voiceover: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Arrow Productions. Talent: Frank(Francis) Scallan


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with title card reading: "Screenspace present and Andre Sarrut production - The March of Progress - directed by Jacques Asseo". Advert opens with interviewer introducing the inventor of a flying bicycle, or 'aerobike', Mr Penny. The inventor explains the mechanics of the device, and demonstrates its use. Although he initially takes flight, he soon falls out of the sky and into a bar, as the interviewer exclaiming 'My Goodness'. Having called for a Guinness from the bartender and finished his drink, he takes off once again on an invisible bicycle. Advert concludes with shot of bottle and glass, VO states: "Guinness Is Good For You". Director: Jaques Asseo, Talent: Jon Pertwee - Mr Penny, Production Company: Screensave, Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Colourised from black and white original.


Animated colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with title cards reading: "Screenspace Presents an Andrew Sarrut and Jacques Asseo Production - Flying Toucans - Music by D. White". After drinking a bottle of Guinness a man putting up a Guinness 'Flying Toucans' poster is able to work in double time and to walk up a vertical wall. When he has finished he joins a man at a table for another bottle of Guinness. Advert concludes with two men seated drinking in front of completed poster bearing the slogan, and VO reading, "Lovely Day for a Guinness". End shot of bottle and glass of Guinness with VO stating: "Guinness Is Good For You." Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production Company: Screenspace. Producer: André Sarrut, Jacques Asseo.


Colour advertisement for Guinness Stout with English speaking male VO. Advert opens with the Guinness logo, followed by a stop motion 'G' comprised of bottles of Guinness Extra Stout bottles. The bottles flash change to Guinness in Victoria Goblets. The advert cuts to brief clips of an airplane taking off, a motorboat skimming water, a kaleidoscope view of the Guinness logo and a table set with food associated with Guinness. The clips phase into the pour from the Guinness Stout bottle into the Victoria Goblet, fading into the silhouettes of a man and a woman dancing. There are multiple kaleidoscope shots of the pour and a sunlit man and woman drinking from the Victoria Goblet. Advert concludes with a return to the 'G' comprised of bottles and the completed Guinness pour. VO: "Guinness".


Colour television commercial for canned Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with title card reading: "Screenspace present and Andre Sarrut production - The March of Progress - directed by Jacques Asseo". Advert opens with interviewer introducing the inventor of a motorised rotary propellor headpiece. The inventor explains the mechanics of the device, and demonstrates its use. Although he initially takes flight, he falls into a neighbour's garden when the motor fails, with the interviewer exclaiming 'My Goodness'. of a rotorblade hat is lifted off of the ground, but falls in to the neighbours garden when the motor fails. The inventor accepts a glass of Guinness offered to him, stating: "It's the more you drink it, the more you like it drink", before taking off once again using his heli-hat. Advert concludes with shot of bottle and glass, VO states: "Guinness Is Good For You". Director: Jaques Asseo. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production Company: Screensave.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with close up on man's face as he looks around and remarks that he likes these "old fashioned" places. Camera zooms out slowly to reveal that he and his friend are in a futuristic bar, drinking pints of Guinness from odd shaped glasses. The man remarks that he is the fourth generation of his family to drink Guinness and it hasn't changed in all those years: "There's history in Guinness." Both men finish their drink and leave while discussing the possibility of going to Mars as a holiday destination. Caption over futuristic pub interior: "Guinness. It's got a great future.". Filmed 1975-09-06, Director: Gerry Poulson, Camera: D. Van Lint, Production company: Gerry Poulson Associates (GPA), Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of sunrise over Guinness Bodiam Hop Farm. Close ups of hop cones as rays of sunlight shines through canopy of vines. Cut to tractor carrying a load of hops past farmhouse and dissolve to views of hops being harvested. Dissolve to shot of canvas hop sack bearing the words 'Guinness Bodiam Sussex' being handled by two men with hooks. VO describes role of hops in Guinness brewing process, concluding with: "So if anyone ever asks you how Guinness is made, you know what to tell them". Advert concludes with scene featuring a young couple in bar. The man says: "Of course you'll never guess how it's made", to which the woman responds: "Don't tell me, it grows on trees", as the man's face drops. Agency: JWT. Director: Nicholas Roeg & Geoff Forster. Production Company: James Garrett and Partners. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Michael Maguire, Leueen Willoughby, Stephen Boyd, Simon Gilbert.


Animated colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with title card reading: "Joop Geesink's Dollywood Presents 'Horse Sense' - colour by technicolour". Opens with shot of man's shoe and horse's hoof being cleaned. Horse is shown being awarded with several rosettes at a County Horse Show as his owner stands by. The owner is handed a trophy into which a bottle of Guinness is poured and from which he drinks. When he tries to lead his horse back to it's cart the horse refuses, so the man loads the horse into the cart and pulls it himself, to the astonishment of spectators. Advert concludes with freeze frame of man pulling the horse and cart with caption: "Guinness For Strength". VO: "Yes, there's nothing like a Guinness for strength". Director: Joop Geesink. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Prodcution Company: Joop Geesink's Filmproduktie Dollywood


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with shot of a landlord reading a newspaper headline: 'It's what isn't done to Guinness that makes it taste to so good'. Landlord goes on to explain that he has seen it brewed first hand at the Brewery and remarks on the natural goodness of the ingredients and brewing process. Advert concludes with caption and VO: 'That's why Guinness tastes so good'. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens as man enters room full of boxes labelled 'same' before taking off his yellow jacket and throwing it on the floor. A hatch slides open and he slips on a black jacket before passing through. From the other side of the hatch he is seen ascending a staircase into a room full of people dressed in identical yellow jumpsuits. He makes his way through the crowds to a stack of vinyl records, the cover sleeve of which reads "More of the Same. The Imitations". Cut to view of a door flinging open to reveal a sky imitating the surge and settle of a pint of Guinness. The people wearing yellow jumpsuits are swept away by gusts of wind and the man, along with a few other people dressed in black, are seen walking along paths towards the horizon. Advert concludes as paths transform into the Guinness word mark and harp emblem on the outside of a pint glass. Visual of man drinking a pint of Guinness reflected in the condensation. Voiceover: "Guinness, you'll never look back." Filmed: 1988-07-13; Production companies: Gerry Poulson Associates (GPA), Windmill Lane Productions, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness which depicts the surge and settle of a pint of Draught Guinness and the letters of the 'Guinness' word interspersed with images of leisure activities. Advert opens with two aircraft flying above the clouds with vapour trails behind them, to the sound of electric guitar music. As the aircraft veer away from each other the vapour trails dissolve to an extreme c oose-upf the letter ‘N’ in the logo of a pint full of swirling Guinness. An early morning mist surrounds a dolmen. Pheasants fly through a ray of sunlight shining through the stones, which dissolves to an extreme c/u of the letter ‘I’ in the Guinness logo. Two speedboats race at sea. They turn, leaving a curving wash behind them, which dissolves to an extreme c/u of the letter ‘S’ in the Guinness logo. A golfer hits a shot from a bunker. From another angle, the bunker forms a crescent shape, which dissolves to an extreme close-up of the letter ‘G’. Rocks tumble down a powerful waterfall, which dissolves to the letter ‘E’. A band performs in a nightclub. A musician moves into the foreground playing a saxophone, which dissolves to the letter ‘U’. A woman and man stand on a rope bridge between two sea cliffs, which dissolves to the Guinness harp logo, as a voiceover says ‘There’s only one word for it – Guinness’. Zoom out to show the full logo on the top of a full pint, with the caption ‘No beer comes near.’ Producer: Gerry Poulsen of GPA Ltd, Director: Martin Lambie-Nairn, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with close up of 'new' bottle label before panning out as bottle is poured into a branded Victoria goblet. Shots of a Taekwondo martial artist demonstrating 'breaking' technique, speed skaters, people dancing the conga, crowds applauding, a waterskier balanced on a stack of chairs before falling off, hands clapping Advert concludes with closeup of 'new' Guinness bottle label before a Victoria goblet full of Guiness is placed in front of it, obscuring it from view. VO: "There's a whole world in a Guinness. Strong, smooth, friendly, enthusiastic, steady, refreshing, rewarding. That's Guinness. The most natural thing in the world". Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production Company: Craddock Marsh.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with various shots of a marching band and floats by Guinness and CIE at a St Patrick's Day Parade, as well as views of crowds and onlookers. Men are seen drinking Guinness Extra Stout and Guinness Draught in a bar as a musician plays a guitar and sings songs. Advert concludes with close up view of man in a peaked cap drinking from a branded Waterford tankard of Draught Guinness. VO: "Guinness - the most natural thing in the world." Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Production Company: Arrow Productions.


Black and white television commercial for canned Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with title card and VO: "Take Canned Guinness With You". View of young couple unpacking a picnic in the outdoors. Shows can of Guinness being pierced with an old fashioned can opener and poured into two glasses as VO extols benefits of drinking canned Guinness. Both man and woman take a drink and advert concludes with close up of can and VO/caption: "So ask your off licence for canned Guinness. Guinness is Good for You". Agency: SH Bensons Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with views of melter at work. VO introduces him as Spud Murphy, who works in one of Britain's many steel works. Dissolve to view of Welsh at a bar as he drinks a glass of Guinness while VO states: "Working with steel is real work, and when the shift's over, Spud will be ready for a real drink, a Guinness. Clean, strong flavour; rich, creamy head. Have a Guinness and you'll know you've had something worth drinking. No wonder 5 million Guinness are enjoyed every day." Advert concludes with title card showing two glasses of Guinness as VO reads: "There's real strength in Guinness".


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with title sequence reading 'The Guinness History of the Cinema' in the style of that of Twentieth Century Fox. Cut to view of man and woman seated side by side in cinema as movie begins. Successive parodies of scenes from classic film and movie genres, all re-imagined to feature Guinness, including: a John Wayne/western movie; a WWII war film Tarzan; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde/mad scientist trope; Lawrence of Arabia; a mob/gangster movie; a British imperial adventure; a romantic drama. Interspersed views of man and woman as he attempts to get physically closer to her but she rejects his advances, seemingly too engrossed in events on-screen. Eventually he gives up, leaves the theatre, and returns shortly holding a Waterford tankard of Guinness. Advert concludes as lights come up in theatre and woman looks at man before saying: "Oh Bill, we can't go on meeting like this." Agency: JWT. Production Company: Film Contracts Ltd.


Colour cinema commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with British Board of Film Censors certificate stating that 'The Shocking History of the Cinema' has been passed as 'U' [Universal - suitable for all audiences]. Cut to view from behind a bar counter of two men seated side by side in a bustling pub drinking Draught Guinness from branded Waterford tankards. A red and cream Draught Guinness countermount is also visible in bottom right of screen. The two men remark on the presence of 'lots of tiny little people out there' as they look directly into the camera. The men go on to debate whether they themselves are in a pub or on a cinema screen, and the 'tiny people' are members of a cinema audience. One of the men addresses the audience directly, urging them to go to a pub where they don't have to pay to get in. He holds his pint up to the camera: "Look, a nice big huge glass of Guinness. All cool and wet and smooth and mouth-wateringly refreshing'. Two audience members in black silhouette stand to leave the screen at his urging before the lights dim and a film is projected on to the faces of the two men. Both men accept that they are, in fact, in a cinema. Advert concludes as one man states 'I liked it better in the pub' before both raise their glasses to drink from as film continues to project over them. Agency: JWT. Production Company: Film Contracts Ltd.


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Guinness Storehouse Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 209698 and its registered office at St James's Gate, Dublin 8, Ireland. Phone +3531 408 4800. COPYRIGHT © 2024 Guinness Storehouse.