Book. Includes handwritten accounts of people employed by Arthur Guinness Son & Co Ltd, who they were, who had recommended their employment, what position they were given and their pay. Also includes employees that were transferred from one department to another and those receiving salary raises. Index includes list of clerks: R Allen, F Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Carnegie, Corry, Cresdie, Cullinan, [?Coare], Bass, Baker, Beasley, Boileau, Bolster, Browne, Buchanan, Davin, Deane, Dempsey, [?Doheny], Drake, DuBevat, Dobbs, Ellis, Eyze, Eustace, Faulkner, Fluve, Graham, Greene, Harrison, Haudcock, Hanks, Hayes, Harricks, Hill, Holbrook, Hopkins, Hume, Harding, Keating, King, Leared, Lee, Love, Lindsay, Maunsell, Marsh, Meredith, McDonnell, Montgomery, Murray, McCaughey, Morton, Nadin, North, O'Donovan, Peacock, Parr, Perrin, Peyton, Phillips, Pollock, Porter, Smith, Scott, Sinclair, Shaw, Smallman, [?Sivauson], and Snow. Also includes note regarding the Lease from Paul Espinasse to Mark Rainsford for the St James's Gate Brewery.