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The Pub

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Television Advertisements

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Colour television commercial for ice cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with customer asking barman for an ice cold Guinness. The barman is disgusted by the concept of cold Guinness and refuses to serve the customer. The customer then introduces the barman to his much larger brother, and the barman - intimidated - complies with his request, placing several bottles of Guinness in the cooler behind the bar. Advert concludes with shot of two Wellington goblets on the bar containing cold Guinness. A bottle is placed down as well before two hands lift the glasses out of shot. VO: "Ice cold Guinness is light, smooth and rather refreshing. Ask for it at your local. But ask nicely". Talent: Leslie Schofield, Neil McCarthy, Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two young men entering a cocktail bar. They approach the bar and order two pints of Guinness before the barmaid alludes to cocktail lounge rules stating no draught or bottled beers. One of the men orders a 'cocktail Guinness', and the barmaid reluctantly acquiesces. Cut to view of barmaid bringing two pints of Draught Guinness in Waterford tankards to their table, only for the men to realise that the barmaid has placed a maraschino cherry cocktail stick in each. Advert concludes with two girls walking up behind them and looking shocked to see them drinking 'cocktail' Guinness. Voiceover: "Today you can buy our pint in most of the bars in Britain, if you ask nicely". Won silver at British Film Festival in 1972. Talent: Brian Croucher - customer, Production Company: RSA Films, Agency: JWT


Black and white television commercial for Guinness featuring rhyming male voiceover. Advert opens showing people drinking at a pub bar; through the window a bus can be seen arriving. Voiceover begins ‘Travelled all day? Well, stop on the way.’ Pan to doorway where young travelers burst through the door and order drinks, disturbing the older drinkers inside. A glass is filled in close-up. One of the young men plays a whistle as a young woman dances a jig in the pub. Checking the time, the young people finish their drinks and all rush out of the pub, one of the young women kissing the cheek of a bearded older drinker at the bar, to his delight. The remaining drinkers settle back to their conversations, with a glass, goblet and bottle of Guinness on the counter in foreground. Caption & voiceover ‘There’s more than goodness in Guinness.’ Includes a 5 second run over at the end of the advert. Agency: Arks Ltd. Arks employee Charles O'Connor (later of Horslips) plays the tin whistle in this advert


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Opens with view of man finishing a pint of Draught Guinness from a dimpled tankard. Views from various angles of barman pouring a pint from a Mark I blue and white Guinness fount before a man picks it up from the bar and drinks. VO: "It's going down well with more and more people everyday. Draught Guinness - the marvellous drink that thousands have never tasted before. So smooth, so creamy, so refreshing - and it costs roughly a shilling or less a glass. Ask for creamy Draught Guinness at your pub or club." Advert concludes with close up view of Draught Guinness badge on fount. VO: "Draught Guinness - served wherever you see this sign."


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view from behind bar of barman passing a branded Victoria goblet containing cold Guinness to a customer. Close up on visibly sweaty and disheveled customer as he drinks it down in one go, stopping occasionally to pronounce it as "good, so good". Customer finishes the glass and addresses barman: "I can't tell you, that was really, really...", to which barman replies, "...good?". Advert concludes as customer shakes his head and says "Oh no, much better than that". End caption: "Cold Guinness... it's not bad". Talent: Robert Lindsay, Agency: JWT


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with close up of Guinness Extra Stout bottle label. Animated words and glass visuals dance on screen to the tune of "Guinness gives you strength song". Advert concludes with shot of Guinness being poured into a glass as smiling head appears in foam. VO: "After work you need a Guinness". Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production Company: Guild Television Service.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with shot of man entering a bar to join his friends bearing a large carboard box. He announces that the box contains a Guinness pouring machine, before going on to demonstrate using a bottle of Guinness and a glass. Shot of Guinness spilling all over the table as it is 'poured' into the glass by the machine as the man appears disappointed while his friends look on and laugh. VO: "Some people go to a lot of trouble to pour our beer properly, but we still think the traditional method is the best". Advert concludes with view of empty Guinness bottle rotating in the machine. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness with slight change in the dialogue in both versions


Harp television advertisement 'Harp' from the 'Music' campaign in which a man creates the sound of a harp by striking bottles. Black and white advert with bottles lined up on pub counter. A man walks into frame and addresses the camera: ‘Here’s a refreshing sound…’ He draws a bottle-opener along the line of bottles, which make a sound like the strings of a harp. In close-up he opens a bottle and pours it into a glass. He continues to address the camera, raising the full glass and drinking, as other customers begin to mill around him in the pub. He concludes, ‘Have a Harp – you’re in good company’, over close-up of three bottles and three full glasses on the bar.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of barman pouring a pint of Draught Guinness into a Waterford Tankard and handing to a customer. VO: "Next time you go into a pub for a pint of Draught Guinness, you might like to try doing this...". Cut to downward view of foam head as a hand comes into shot and writes the letter 'G' on the head using a broad-nibbed pen. Man brings glass to mouth and drinks the entire pint as camera angle shows the viewer that the 'G' remains visible throughout. VO: "We believe that a Guinness is only a Guinness when the head lasts through to the end". Advert concludes as customer places empty glass, with the letter 'G' still visible in the head, down onto the bar counter as another full tankard is pushed towards him. VO: "So if you don't mind writing on your beer, you might like to try this too. Cheers." Agency: JWT.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of O'Connell Street in Dublin as two men are seen wandering the streets, looking slightly disorientated, as voiceover in country accent explains that they're more used to the country. The men suddenly spot a hanging sign for Draught Guinness featuring a Waterford tankard on a red background outside a pub and point. VO: "Wherever you go, you're at home with a Guinness." Cut to view of two men sitting inside the pub drinking pints of Draught Guinness as one says to the other: "Even city life has its compensations" Advert concludes on freeze frame of men laughing with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Filmed on 9 June 1977. Director: John Devis, Camera: Sean Corcoran, Production company: Ocean Films, Agency: ARKS Ltd


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of two men crossing a field. They continue to make their way through the countryside, looking uncomfortable and lost, as VO in thick Dublin accent explains that they're used to the city. The men suddenly spot a hanging sign for Draught Guinness featuring a Waterford tankard on a red background outside a country pub and smile. Voiceover: "Wherever you go, you're at home with a Guinness." Cut to view of two men standing outside the pub drinking pints of Draught Guinness as one says to the other: "The country's not such a bad place after all." Advert concludes on freeze frame of men laughing with caption: "You're at home with a Guinness". Filmed on 9 June 1977. Director: John Devis, Camera: Sean Corcoran, Production company: Ocean Films, Agency: ARKS Ltd Agency: Arks Ltd.


Black and white television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of hand stirring an Irish coffee in and long stemmed glass before slowly adding cream using the back of a teaspoon. VO explains process of making an Irish Coffee and compares drinking Irish coffee through the cream to drinking Guinness through the head. Side profile of older man drinking Irish coffee, dissolving to young man drinking from a Waterford tankard of Guinness. Advert concludes with close up on glass. VO: "... now I wonder where they got the idea from". Agency: JWT. Production Company: Lintas.


Animated television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Features silhouetted scenes showing bar and pub interiors at various stages of capacity from opening time to last orders, accompanied by a soundtrack of piano music and chatter. VO: "Every evening, everywhere, they're filling up. Why not join us in a Guinness." Agency: JWT. Director: Geoff Dunbar. Production Company: Grand Slamm Animation. Producer: Roger Smith. Voiceover: BBC DJ and TV presenter, John Peel.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of bottle of Guinness being poured into branded Victoria goblet held at 45 degrees. Glass is slowly straightened as pouring ends. VO comments on origins of Guinness and notes that six million glasses of Guinness are served every day. Dissolve to shot of Arthur Guinness signature as VO remarks Arthur Guinness signed a lease for the brewery. Dissolve to close up of Guinness bottle zooming out to reveal entire bottle in profile as VO states that the least was signed for 9000 years. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with a man approaching the door of a pub as wind howls around him. View from pub interior as door opens before man looks in and enters. All the locals stop chatting and watch the stranger as he approaches the bar and orders a Guinness. The barmaid hands him a bottle and glass and the man smiles as he pours into a branded Wellington goblet glass. VO: "When a man finds himself far from home and he fancies a quick one, it's comforting to know that there's one beer he can always be sure of finding. One that he knows will taste just as good as it does in his own local". The man hestiates before drinking as he meets eyes with other drinkers who seem to accept him for his choice and chatter begins again. Advert concludes with view of man savouring his Guinness. VO: "To the man who drinks Guinness, every pub's his local". Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of two young men entering a bar on a sunny day and odering two bottles of cold Guinness. Barman responds that don't serve cold Guinness. When pressed by one of the men for cold Guinness, the barman reasons that: "You're the nineteenth bloke I've told today, there's no demand". The man looks confused and asks "What?". Advert concludes with freeze frame as barman begins to say "I said", and caption appears on screen: "Cold Guinness - yours for the asking". Talent: Geoffrey Hayes - barman, Production Company: Studio Lambert, Agency: JWT


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of Guinness being poured into a glass bearing a temperature gauge on its outside. As the glass is filled, the liquid passes the cold, cool, warm, warmer, hot, and very hot marks, ending at the 'phew' mark. Dissolve to view of liquid level going down until temperature gauge reaches 'cold' once more. VO: "Sometimes, even in a British summer, the weather gets warmer, and warmer, and warmer. And when you drink a long pint of cold Draught Guinness, you'll find that you feel cooler, and cooler, and cooler." Camera pans out to reveal a man drinking from a Waterford tankard bearing the temperature gauge. Advert concludes with glass being placed down on bar and rotated to reveal Guinness word and harp emblem as VO says: "Summer Draught Guinness, hot it's not." Agency: JWT. Production Company: Lintas.


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