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In Folder: Guinness Television Advertisements

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Colour television advertisement for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with shot of a wedding party in a pub. The best man asks the groom to play a game of arrows [darts]. The best man explains to camera that he is always asked to be best man by his mates because of his calm and reliable character. He drinks some Guinness and says: "Goes with the Guinness. When you've got something with flavour all the way through, you don't have to down it in one. Can you imagine a calmer, more sensible way to drink?" The groom asks him whether he has the wedding ring. He pretends to panic, but takes the ring from his pocket and smiles. Advert concludes with shot of groom smiling and preparing to throw his final dart. Agency: JWT. Director: Clive Rees. Producer: Adrian Rowbotham. Production Company: Neison Films. Cast: Jonathan Lynn, David Neilson, Clare Russell, Dugald Currie.


Colour television advert for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with a group of men gathered around a pub table, caption reads "The Builder's Story". One man begins to recite a three verse rhyme about his initiation into The Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club by his friends from the building site, interspersed throughout with views of the man at work - ascending ladders and driving a digger. His friends join in to echo him on the last line of each verse, singing "He joined the Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club". The entire pub joins in to echo the last line in the song: "He's in the Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club". Advert concludes with freeze frame of everybody raising their drinks in a toast. Agency: JWT. Director: Brian Byfield. Producer: Roger Lamb. Production Company: Brian Byfield Films. Camera Operator: Peter Suschitzky. Cast: Richard Wrigley, David Theakston, Brian Coburn, Gary K. Forbes, Howard Crosseley, Ian Bleasdale, Dicken Ashworth, Alan Palmer, Jean Reeve.


Colour television commercial for take-home Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with man brewing beer in his kitchen. He tastes it, but doesn't look pleased with the results. His wife comes back from shopping and pours him a glass of Guinness. He enjoys the Guinness, but tries not to let it show. Advert concludes with shot of wicker basket containing take home bottles and caption reading: "Take Home Guinness". VO states: "Take home Guinness, and make a lot of it". Creative Circle Recommendation 1976. Director: Gerry Poulson. Agency: JWT. Production Company: Gerry Poulson Films. Producer: Terry Taylor. Cast: Lea Dregorn and Christopher Timothy. VO artist: Michael Maguire.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of bar interior as customers focus intently on a band playing off screen. A man is seen standing at a table with his friends, whom he continues to distract by saying 'Do you know what?' before going on to state facts about bottle-conditioned Guinness. The men humour him, until one of them responds: "Do you know what? That's my Guinness you're drinking". Advert concludes with a freeze frame of the man's guilty face as the man's friend realises the bar has now closed. Caption appears: "Did you know?". Agency: JWT. Director: Cliff Owen. Production Company: Sierra Productions. Producer: Keith Godman. Music: P. Winslow. Cast: Trevor Adams, Mike Lewin, Michael Hedley, Peter Gordon, Joe Dunlop.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of man and woman playing darts in pub interior. The man approaches the bar and orders another Guinness for both he and the woman. The barman expresses surprise that both are drinking Guinness and asks the man if were a case of gentle persuasion, to which the woman responds: "Well it didn't happen overnight". He asks the man how he managed it, and the woman answers: "Well I finally got him to try one!". Advert concludes as man looks slightly embarassed before cut to end frame showing Guinness label on a black background with the caption "Try another" beneath. Agency: JWT. Director: Tony Lawson. Production Company: Tony Lawson and Associates. Producer: Roger Holland, Keith Godman. Cast: Michael Howarth, Liza Goddard, Anna Bentink, Ray Brooks (VO).


Colour television commercial for take home Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Advert opens with view of a prisoner [Scunthorpe] in a comfortably fitted out cell interior. Prisoner invites the 'Governor' in and opens a fridge to offer him a can of cold Guinness. The prisoner hands him a Wellington goblet of Guinness while explaining the advantages of canned Guinness. The Governor drinks, before remembering himself and reminding the prisoner that "this is a prison, not a bar". Shocked, the prisoner replies: "A prison without bars, you're joking ain't ya, Gov?". Caption reads: "Thank goodness for Guinness". Agency: JWT. Director: Alan Parker. Production Company: Alan Parker Film Company [Roger Cherrill?]. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Peter Postlethwaite, Tenniel Evans, Jason James.


Television commercial for Guinness. The advertisement opens with a group of young people leaving a pub called the Sandyford House, some of them carrying bottles of Guinness Extra Stout. A song begins: ‘Bringing on back the goodness, coming on home again’. Various people are seen at a house party, walking the streets and leaving another pub with bottles of Guinness. Each of the people is then seen at their homes, where they will enjoy their take-home beer. The advert concludes with a six-pack of Guinness bottles, as a caption reads: ‘There’s more than goodness in Guinness’. Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a martial arts master and student in a candlelit room, captioned "Kung Fool". Master addresses student (referred to as Greenhopper) in a discussion about light and dark. Master invites Greenhopper to join him in the dark as he drinks from a Waterford tankard of Draught Guinness. Greenhopper, misunderstanding, blows out all the candles instead. Advert concludes as Master says: "You still have much to learn, greenhopper". Caption reads: "Thank goodness for Guinness". Clever comic riff on Warner Bros TV show 'Kung Fu' (1972) starring David Carradine. Agency: JWT. Director: Alan Parker. Production Company: Alan Parker Film Company. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Preston Lockwood, Philip Sayer.


Colour television advert for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with a group of men standing at a bar counter, caption reads "The Mechanic's Story". One man begins to recite a three verse rhyme about his initiation into The Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club by his friend as a result of the difficulty he faced in repairing Charlie Wright's milk float, interspersed throughout with views of the man at work in the garage. His friends join in to echo him on the last line of each verse, singing "He joined the Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club". Advert concludes as the man and his friends advance in formation across the pub floor and the entire pub joins in to echo the last line in the song: "He's in the Bottle of Guinness Supporters Club". Ends with freeze frame of everybody raising their bottles in a toast. Agency: JWT. Director: Brian Byfield. Production Company: Brian Byfield Films. Producer: Roger Lamb. Lighting: Peter Suschitzky. Camera Operator: Peter Suschitzky. Cast: Christopher Ellison, David Gillies, Geoff Wilkinson, Allen Mechan, Jeff Hall, Leslie Meadows, Roy Stanley, Amanda Kemp.


Colour television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with view of a crowded house party as a man bearing a pint of Draught Guinness in a Waterford Tankard and a bottle of Guinness with a Wellington goblet. He hands the pint to a friend and keeps the bottle for himself as he apologies to a blonde female that they didn't have what she wanted. She retorts: "I'll have a taste of yours then", and proceeds to take his drink, leaving him empty-handed. Advert concludes as she looks at him and asks: "Didn't you get one for yourself then?" Caption: "Get together with a Guinness". Talent: Jeremy Bulloch, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Harp television advertisement Party' in which revellers enjoy a house party, one of whom is so struck by a woman's beauty that he confuses his drink for a vase of flowers. Colour advert opens with a close-up of a hand placing a record player needle on a record as music starts. A six-pack of Harp bottles is placed in front of the record player. A bottle is poured into a glass in close-up. Interspersed shots of a glass of Harp and people at a busy house party chatting, eating and drinking. A man enters the room carrying a tuba, followed by another man who puts his coat on a coat stand and looks around furtively before opening a grandfather clock to hide his six-pack of Harp, only to find the clock is already full of Harp packs. A woman in a floral dress enters the room and a man is transfixed by her as he places his beer on a mantle-piece. As she walks past him he absent-mindedly picks up a vase of flowers and attempts to drink from it before realising his mistake. Closes with the man looking sheepishly at his friends, with caption ‘Harp’. Aired: March - September 1973 Talent: features Brian Croucher Music: the LP on the record player is 'Up Up and Away' by The 5th Dimension Studio Lambert


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with a young lady waving to some males as she makes her way to the bar across a dancefloor. The lady asks a man identified as Andy for a dance, and he finishes his glass of Guinness before making his way to the dancefloor with her. Barman calls for last orders at the bar, and Andy proceeds to feign a sudden back injury. The lady escorts him back to the bar and orders him a Guinness. Advert concludes as she notes how funny it is that the same thing happened at the same time last week. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness. Advert opens with view of man and woman moving items into a new house. The man attempts to open several bottles of Guinness but the woman takes them from him to use as markers for where furniture will be placed within the room. The man is eventually able to pour from a bottle into a glass on his fourth attempt and remarks that the 'sideboard' looks nice. Advert concludes with zoom to bottle label as he places it down on a pile of books. VO & final caption: "There's more than goodness in Guinness." Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television commercial for ice cold Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of man lying on a sun lounger, mopping his brow with a handkerchief. VO: "Once a year, something strange happens to our weather. It's called summer, and it's been known to last nearly a week". Cut to view of fridge door being opened to reveal six pack of take home Guinness Extra Stout. A bottle is removed from the fridge followed by close up of head pour as VO explains that the most effective remedy for summer heat is an ice cold Guinness. Cut to side profile of man drinking as thunder and rainpour begin in background. VO: "So stick a few in the fridge, just in case we have a summer this year". Agency: JWT. Production Company: Terence Donovan Productions.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of a man and woman painting the interior of a house. The man asks the woman to fetch him a Guinness. Cut to shot of woman exiting front door amidst wind and rain, view of legs walking, and shot of woman entering a pub and approaching a crowded bar. Cut to view of woman returning home holding a Wellington goblet full of Guinness, sheltering it with her hand. The woman, windswept and drenched, re-enters the house and hands it to the man, to which he replies: "Thanks love, why don't you get one for yourself". Ad concludes with view of the dismayed woman's face, before cutting to shot of six pack of take home bottled Guinness being placed down in front of a net bag of groceries. VO: "If you've got to fetch and carry, do it when you're shopping". Won bronze at Cannes 1971. Agency: JWT. Production Company: Lintas


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Advert opens with view of toucan on a perch in a living room. VO of toucan proceeds to predict the exchange that takes place between a wife and her husband who has just returned from work. The wife's voice comes from offscreen as her husband is showed pouring a can of Guinness into a Wellington goblet. Husband startles toucan by straying from the usual course of conversation when he suggests that dinner is roast toucan. Advert concludes as toucan does a double take and flys out of frame in shock. Agency: JWT. Director: Len Fulford. Production Company: BFCS. Producer: Roger Smith. Cast: Anton Rodgers, David Rodigan, Denise Briar.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with shot of two typical American tourists, Martha and Elmer, entering an old fashioned pub. Elmer approaches the bar and orders a Coke and a 'bottle of the best'. Close up of barman pouring a bottle of Guinness into a Wellington goblet before handing it to the male tourist. Elmer asks if it it's true that Henry VIII drank Guinness, to which the barman replies no, but tells him George III possibly did, as locals look on in amusement. Advert concludes with shot of Martha taking a photograph of Elmer as he drinks for posterity. Director: HS Lawson, Agency: JWT, Talent: John Sterland.


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