Indexed ledger relating to brewers in Dublin Company, Park Royal Company and other Companies within the Group as well as retired or deceased brewers. Includes page per brewer, detailing name, date of birth, date appointed, department(s) worked, position(s) held, salary, and date of retirement/ transfer/ resignation where known. Includes career details of Dublin brewers: John Falcon Brown, JPC Anderson, Henry Stanley Corran, John Michael Duckworth Hughes, Jonathan Joseph des Carrieres Virden, Anthony Vincent, Robert Henry Lister Richards, Frederick Edward James, Hermann Muender, John Anthony Carey, Michael John Atherton, Seward Harold Hildebrand, and George Michael Irons. Includes details of Park Royal brewers: Michael Edward Ash, Brian Moffat Barid, Peter Thomas John Banner, Thomas Cyril Nicholas Carroll, Francis Paul Clift, Alan John Coxon, Stanley Edward Darmon, Samuel Raymond Duff, David Richie Fairbairn, Ian Reginald Gordon, The Hon Diarmuid Edward Guinness, Reginald David Hall, Michael Roland Hatfield, TG Jennings, Ralph Trevor Kerslake, John Metcalfe Kitching, Robert Ian Menzies-Gow, Edwin Stanley Palmer, Keith Warren Pickering, David James Restrick, Frank Oliver Robson, Nigel Edward Salmon, David Sandys-Renton, Ian Wallace Scott, John David Cameron Smiley, Timothy James Burnley Webb, Simon Whotmore, John Leonard Wilkinson, and Joseph Hennessy. Includes details of retired or deceased brewers: J Andrews, AHC Barker, C Buttanshaw, John Harold Chapman, Christopher John Chataway, JWF Crawfurd, Charles Edward Dagliesh, Anthony Frederick Napleton Dew, William Sealy Gosset, Joseph Hennessy, MS Heycock, Laurence Ernest Hudson, Andrew G Hughes-Onslow, Eric Leslie Kidd, Bryan Edgar Magee, Arthur Kelman Mills, Alan McMullen, John Greves Paton, Hamilton Paul, Edward Loftus Phillips, Peter Frank Christopher Phillips, Geoffrey S Phillpotts, Lancelot Richard Shildrick, Martin Gregory Smith, GFE Story, Douglas Frederick Strachan, WJ Stringer, David Ralph Tristram, JW Tullo, JI Web, and RS Wix.