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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Television Advertisements

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Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with tunnel-like view of bubbles, dissolving to view of a low sun followed by shots of waves crashing. View of Draught Guinness being poured into a glass interspersed with shots of surfer riding the waves and falling in as they break [motion of waves intended to mimic the pour, surge and settle of a Draught Guinness]. Several views of bikini-clad women on the beach watching the surfer towards the beginning of the advert. Advert concludes with close up view of front of pint glass bearing Guinness word and harp emblem in gold. Caption and voiceover: "Move over to Guinness". Filmed on location in Hawaii. Production company: Ocean Films, Creative Director: David Latham, Musicians: Bill Whelan - commposer/producer/keyboards, Des Moore - guitars, Paul McAteer- drums, Rafael Ravenscroft- saxophone; Voiceover artist: Tony Allan, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of snooker table showing a cue lining up to pot the black ball. Dissolve between close up scenes of man drinking a pint of Draught Guinness from a Waterford tankard, as the black ball travels across the green cloth of the snooker table. As the man finishes his Guinness, the black ball teeters on the edge of the pocket, before finally dropping in. VO "There's a certain pleasure... in slowly... putting away... the black.". Advert concludes with close up of hand holding an empty Waterford tankard with visible lacing around all sides. Won Grand Prix at Cannes 1976. Agency: JWT. Director: John Perkins. Production Company: Streich Perkins. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Michael Maguire, Graham Miles (snooker player). Michael Pearce (drinker).


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with insterspersed views of a bottle of Guinness being poured and scenes from a blacksmith's forge as a horseshoe is crafted. Advert concludes with view of blacksmith in bar enjoying a glass of Guinness from a Wellington goblet. VO: "You have to admire the skill of the local blacksmith". Agency: JWT. Director: Ridley Scott. Production Company: RSA Films. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Jim Norton, Jonathan Carr.


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of cross country runners running through water as frame freezes to read "Inside Sport with Guinness". Point of view shots tracks runners' progress along lanes, over fences and through fields against soundtrack of footsteps and heavy breathing. Runners approach cheering crowd at finish line as camera dissolves to view of pub interior. A waiter brings two glasses of Guinness in unbranded Victoria goblets to two men seated at a table before the fire. View of Draught Guinness penguin beermats and Old Bushmills ashtray. VO: "And now, the best moment of all, a Guinness. That puts the strength back into a man." Concluding caption and VO: "You've earned that Guinness". Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Phoenix Films


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of cyclists speeding over a bridge as part of a road race. Frame freezes to read "Inside Sport with Guinness". Point of view shots tracks peloton's progress along the course against soundtrack of shouts, pedalling, and heavy breathing. Cyclists approach cheering crowd at finish line as camera dissolves to view of pub interior. First A waiter brings two glasses of Guinness in unbranded Victoria goblets to two men seated at a table before the fire. View of Draught Guinness penguin beermats and Old Bushmills ashtray. VO: "And now, the best moment of all, a Guinness. That puts the strength back into a man." Concluding caption and VO: "You've earned that Guinness". Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Phoenix Films


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with interspersed views of a dart being thrown and a Draught Guinness being poured into a branded, straight-edged, conical pint glass. Dart hits double 20 on dartboard just as the final drop of Guinness is poured into the glass. VO: "If you want the best in pub entertainment you have to go straight... to the top". Advert concludes with view of man drinking freshly poured pint of Guinness. Caption reads: "Thank goodness for Guinness". First use of branded, straight-edged conic pint glass in British television advertising. Identical footage to the advert 'Darts' GDB/MK08.01/0062.06 but with different v/o and tagline. Director: John Perkins. Production Company: Perkins St. Clair. Talent: Michael Maguire, Michael Pearce, Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of men playing draughts.Views of draught moves are interspersed with views of pints of Draught Guinness in Waterford tankards being enjoyed by both men. Advert concludes as the winner defeats his opponent and sits back to finish his pint. VO: "The most satisfying move you can make is to Draught Guinness". Agency: JWT. Director: Tony Scott. Production Company: RSA Films. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Jim Norton, Ian Blair, James Vallon, Derek O'Connor, Roger Marston.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout in cans. Two friends stand in a living room drinking Guinness from Wellington goblets. One of the men shows his friend that the toucan can talk by asking him a series of questions to which the toucan correctly responds "Guinness". The frist man leaves the room and his friends decides to test the toucan by asking him who won the FA Cup in 1958. He smirks as he takes a drink, before advert concludes with toucan answering: "Bolton Wanderers". Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins. Production Company: Film Troupe. Producer: Roger Smith. Lighting: Howard Atherton. Camera Operator: Howard Atherton. Cast: Anthony Milner, Bill Nighy


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of three men setting up for a fishing trip. Scenes from the fishing trip are insterspersed with scenes from the bar later in the evening, where all three men gather to drink Guinness Extra Stout. VO: "The most popular pasttime in the country just can't be hurried."Agency: JWT. Director: Tony Scott. Production Company: RSA Films. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Jim Norton, Ray Gatenby, Terence Davies, Peter Craze.


30 second version of GDB/MK08.01/0001.03. Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Phoenix Films


30 second version of GDB/MK08.01/0001.02. Agency: SH Benson Ltd. Production Company: Phoenix Films


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with teammates gathered in a bar as one man addresses the group to share the team's strategy for an upcoming rugby game. As he talks, his words are mirrored with views of a pint of Draught Guinness being poured into a Waterford tankard e.g. "take a firm grip right from the start", "keep it flowing and gradually let things settle down", "ease gently into the second half". The man concludes his speech by saying, "And practice, as you know boys, makes...", before another man finishes his pint and, looking at his glass, completes the sentence with "... perfect." Agency: JWT. Director: Bob Bierman. Production Company: Bierman & Randall. Producer: Roger Holland. David Garfield, Mike Haywood, William Huw Thomas, Gareth Gwyn Jones.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of six men walking up a street towards the pub carrying wicker pigeon baskets. One of the older men sypathises with a younger man on the loss of his bird, and sees this as evidence of the fact that "us old ones can still teach you youngsters a thing or two about pigeons". He remarks condescendingly: "Better luck next time". The men enter a pub, and camera cuts to shot of barmaid retrieving a message from a white carrier pigeon reading '3 pints. 12 o clock'. The younger men are served their pints immediately and the barmaid hands the 'lost' pigeon back to its owner, as the older men struggle to place their order at the busy bar. Young man nods to the older men and remarks "better luck next time", as the older men look on confused. Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with interspersed views of a bottle of Guinness being poured, a tractor driven plough, and bread and cheese being cut. A sprig of parsley being placed atop a plate containing a ploughman's lunch before the plate and a Wellington goblet of Guinness is pushed across a bar towards the ploughman. Advert concludes as ploughman joins two friends at a pub table. VO: "If you want to know just how good a bottle of Guinness is at lunchtime, ask a ploughman". Agency: JWT. Agency: JWT. Director: Ridley Scott. Production Company: RSA Films. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Jim Norton, Gavin Campbell.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of a sheep in a field. Scenes featuring a shepherd giving orders to his sheepdog using shouts and whistles are interspersed with close up views of Draught Guinness being poured into a Waterford Tankard. The dog herds the sheep into its pan, and camera cuts to shepherd joining four friends outside a pub for a Guinness. Advert concludes with view of shepherd drinking from his glass before he leans down to stroke his dog who sits at his heels. VO: "The right order at this time of day is a long cool pint of Draught Guinness". Agency: JWT. Director: Tony Scott. Production Company: RSA Films. Cast: Anthony Jackson, Mike Perrings (Shepherd).


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