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Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Guinness Television Advertisements

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Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with scrollings shots featuring a baby's bottle, a bottle of milk, a soda bottle, and a tankard of beer - all meant to depict the various 'ages of man', with accompanying soundscapes. Advert concludes with a shot of Guinness being poured from a bottle into a Victoria goblet, with soundscape featuring gentle chatter of voices in the background. VO: "It's Good to Grow Up". Agency: JWT. Won first prize in the alcoholic drinks section of the British Television Awards organised by the ‘Television Mail’.


Animated colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with title card reading: "Guinness at the Albert Hall". Opens with shot of conductor and choir. Choir begins singing song in the style of Handel's 'Allelujah Chorus" using the words "Guinness gives you strength". The conductor, despite being extremely small, proceeds to lift and carry members of the choir much larger than him. After drinking a glass of Guinness, he proceeds to lift the entire choir at once. Concludes with view of conductor holding choir aloft in a pyramid shape. Won a diploma at the 1962 Venice Film Festival. Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production company: Richard Williams Animation Ltd. Director: Richard Williams, later an Oscar-winner for his work on 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of snooker table showing a cue lining up to pot the black ball. Dissolve between close up scenes of man drinking a pint of Draught Guinness from a Waterford tankard, as the black ball travels across the green cloth of the snooker table. As the man finishes his Guinness, the black ball teeters on the edge of the pocket, before finally dropping in. VO "There's a certain pleasure... in slowly... putting away... the black.". Advert concludes with close up of hand holding an empty Waterford tankard with visible lacing around all sides. Won Grand Prix at Cannes 1976. Agency: JWT. Director: John Perkins. Production Company: Streich Perkins. Producer: Roger Holland. Cast: Michael Maguire, Graham Miles (snooker player). Michael Pearce (drinker).


Black and white television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Opens with view of tractor being parked in a shed at the end of the day. Two farm workers close up the shed and go to the pub where they are served with glasses of bottled Guinness from a shelf behind the bar. Close up of bottle being opened and poured into a glass. Advert concludes with both men taking a satisfied drink. VO: "Guinness. Strong and dark... with a touch of bitterness. After a day's work, a man needs his Guinness." Agency: SH Bensons Ltd. Production Company: Viewfinder Film Productions.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with view of lower half of bar counter with brass footrest and black and white tiled floor. Camera pans to right of screen as shots dissolve to other, similar views featuring the legs of drinkers as they stand or sit at the bar. VO narrates the various types of drinkers as indicated by the habits they display while waiting at the bar until the camera arrives at the Guinness drinker and pans upwards to reveal a man and woman standing leisurely at a bar drinking Draught Guinness: "Watch the calm unhurried way they enjoy one of the most rewarding drinks in the world". Advert concludes as camera pans down once more to show only lower half of bar and legs of man and woman. VO: "Ask for Guinness where you see this sign ". Won Silver at Cannes 1976. Agency: JWT. Director: Laurence Hutchins. Production Company: Film Troupe. Producer: Richard Saunders. Cast: Michael Maguire, Constantine de Gougal, Catherine Lee Scott.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of a man approaching another man seated at a bar table. The first man asks the second to shut his eyes and pours a bottle of Guinness into a Wellington goblet before handing it to him. The second man blind tastes it and pronounces it as alright, and "not a bad drop of beer". Advert concludes with second man opening his eyes, seeing that the drink is Guinness and exclaiming: "Guinness? I don't like Guinness!". Won silver at British Film Festival in 1972. Production company: Cummin SignaLtd., Agency: JWT.


Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens as two foreigners approach an outdoor bar hatch and order two pints of Guinness from the barmaid. They struggle to pronounce the word 'Guinness' and all three laugh at the situation as the barmaid struggles to understand their order. Cut to view of barman pouring a Draught Guinness in the pub interior. The foreigners see this and point excitedly to show what they want. Barmaid laughts as she finally understands. Close up Draught Guinness being poured into Waterford tankard. Advert concludes with view of two foreigners sitting beneath a Guinness sun umbrella enjoing their pints and checking out a passing girl. VO: "Draught usual, the beer that keeps its head without losing its cool". Won gold at British Film Festival in 1972. Agency: JWT. Director: Cliff Owen. Production Company: Sierra Productions. Producer: Keith Godman. Cast: Michael Maguire, Mark Venture, Louis Phillips, Patricia Michaels, Cyril Appleton, Martin Grace.


Colour television commercial for take home Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with close up view of a man pouring Guinness from a bottle into a Wellington goblet before he lifts it to his mouth to drink. Cut to view of he and his friend sitting at a table in a bar as the friend tells him the Guinness he's drinking is a forgery. In an effort to refute his friend's claim, the man passes him his glass to drink from. His friend proceeds to drink the entire glass in one go as his friend looks on in dismay. Advert concludes with friend saying: "Well we all make mistakes". Won silver at Cannes in 1971 Talent: Bryan Mosley, Production Company: Lintas, Agency: JWT


Colour television advertisement for Guinness Extra Stout. The advertisement opens with a couple playing a fruit-machine, as a voiceover asks: ‘What’s a Guinness between friends?’ As the machine spills out money, a song begins: ‘It’s when you hit the jackpot and you hear that welcome sound’. A sequence of people are seen playing cards, shopping, taking part in a talent competition, mountaineering, going on a date and, ultimately, each drinking a glass goblet of Guinness, as the song finishes: ‘Have a Guinness tonight, just between friends’. The advert concludes with a close-up of a Guinness logo, with the caption: ‘Just between friends’. Identical to GDB/MK08.01/0008/01 except for actors drinking from bottles/goblets instead of glasses of Draught Guinness Director: Gerry Poulson, Agency: Arks Ltd.


Colour television advertisement for Draught Guinness. Advert opens with aerial view of a remote island. Aerial view circles around a remote thatched and whitewashed building to reveal a couple of bicycles parked outside and two Guinness signs affixed to the outer wall. Soundscape of ocean noise and seagulls cawing. Dissolve to views of pub interior as men sit in slightly strained silence to the sound of a clock ticking. View of three man currach bearing a keg of Guinness interspersed with views of time passing on grandfather clock. The clock strikes half past six and a man enters the pub proclaiming: "Ta siad ag teacht [They're coming]". The pub's occupants spring into action and several rush outside to help unload the currach's precious cargo. Cut to close up view of pint of Draught Guinness being poured into a Waterford tankard. The usual chatter of the pub starts up again as the men get their pints. The barman realises the keg is empty after a while, and beckons "Arís [again]" to one of the men. Dissolve to view of three men trudging over the sand towards the water holding the currach overhead as they set out to fetch another keg. Advert concludes as screen fades to black. Caption: "Bíonn tú sona sásta le Guinness". Filmed: 1977-06-17, pub interior set at Ardmore Studios, Director: John Devis, Camera: Bestick Williams, Writer: Frank Sheerin, Ex. Producer: Tony O'Leary, Art Direction: Eamonn O'Flaherty, Agency: Arks Ltd. Winner of a Clio award in New York for Arks Advertising in 1978 (Clio award is currently held in the Irish Film Institute's artefacts collection), a Silver Cannes Lion and further awards from the Advertising Awards Festival, ICAD and Rank Screen Awards.



Colour television commercial for Draught Guinness. Advert opens as view of man's face dissolves to various dreamlike views of water as waves break gently on sand. Water sequence interspersed with several hazy views of a female's shadow as she runs along a beach. Advert concludes as camera zooms in as a woman wraps herself in a black towel, the juxtaposition of wet skin and black towel coming together to give the impression of a pint of Guinness. Caption: "Draw your own conclusions". Camera effects imitating the 'surge' of Guinness utilised heavily throughout. Filmed: 1990-11-20; Cameramen: Seamus Corcoran & Brendan Maguire, Production company: Windmill Lane; Agency: ARKS Ltd.


Colour television commercial for Guinness Extra Stout. Advert opens with view of two men approaching the bar in a noisy club and trying to place their order. The barman struggles to hear over the sound of music as they point to a bottle of Guinness already on the bar to indicate his order. Shots of men pouring and enjoying their Guinness as they watch the band, still struggling to hear each other talk. Band finishes playing just as one man shouts 'marvellous' at the top of his voice. Advert concludes with entire club turning towards him in silence as both men turn towards the bar again in shame. Won silver at British Film Festival in 1972. Production company: Cummin SignaLtd., Agency: JWT.


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